Friday, December 23, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

JFK had an ANSWER I liked I use 4 LIVING up 2 UR potential

kennedy @ his PRESSconference asked If HE was “HAPPY”

noBODY every COMMANDed a press conference better than JFK, REAGAN learned fr: JFKs performances & had MyTHical skills. BUT in the DAY he was feared BY press core, mistakes HE made as POTUS he erased BY conversation 2 the press. IN a soft BALL question celebrityIFic MODERN way BUT i think more outta fear he was asked. RU happy, he smiled a confident smile & pondered an EASY hit. “i’d have 2 mention the ancient greeks….2 have full use of ur powers along lines of excellence.. BY that definition I’d have 2 say YES”

I commented THAT “he’s not acheiving UP 2 his potential” ever since I was in kindergarten THEY’ve been saying that about ME. I always thought I was mazimizing my potential in everyTHING i ever considered worth doing. My father who achieved a lot in his life lamented 2 me “i never really tried my best @ anyTHING”

The perception & the WEIGHT of “should” has always distressed me. I tell my son, the only THING , deed I ever did the best I could W/ any satisfaction IS being his DAD, I tell MY son “the ONLY person worth IMPRESSING is urSELF”

living UP 2 UR potential IS crap THAT other people PUT on U. Deciding WHAT ur business IS is THE most IMPORTANT part OF “TCB”. ELVIS had TCB hanging FR: his neck

TAKIN care OF business.

THE greeks BY JFK, full USE of UR powers along LINES of excellence, happiness the execution of ur DREAMS. BY ur definition IS the potential THAT i care about 4 MY son.

My potential has been overCOME by the grand nature OF my KID, who I have had something 2 do w/..

Whenever & whoEVER thinks UR not living UP 2 UR potential, tell EM hello 4 ME & decide WHATEVER potential U want & follow IT, BUT please HAVE no desire 2 CATCH it , IT’s ALREADY urS

Thursday, March 3, 2011

upDATE ,, the kirk maillet base page 1995

My story hasn't been upDATED here: 4 quite a while it started here 14 yrs AGO. I was borne where silicon valley later evolved, i was even hatched @ stanford university a playBOY college endowed by Luther Burbank & eventually it paid better than Berkeley & become one of the premier learning institutions in the world. My Dad went art school after Korea, a sign NEON designer. Art school in SF b4 i was born meets my mom @ moffett naval air station. She had an office in the blimp hanger. sO MY DAD Bcame A SUBDIVISION developer, my mom a houseWIFE & i went 2 school in sunnyvale CA. The very 1st video arcade game PONG was @ andy caps on old san francisco road across the street was a cherry orchard. OUR backyard fence could see thru the orchard 2 the center that had the safeway & andy caps, nolan bushnell. So i was exposed 2 LED calculators & computers & apple & Hewlett Packard ever since i was a baby. I went 2 De Anza College 4 my lower division MRKT transfer program & moved as a JR 2 San Jose State. During REAGAN I was learning economics & looked @ the trends & realized we were in the longest recovery EVER. So I started selling real estate in Los Gatos. My senior year crapped out 132 semester units enough 2 graduate but my program required calculus &operations management REdo's . I never finished. Ran outta money & got a chance 2 go 2 Hollywood (soCAL) orange county commercial real estate when Donald BREN was creating NEWPORT beach & fashion ISLAND. OFF i went, sold my 1963 Rivera , NO airCON, got a three yr old MAZDArx7GLXse w/ air con. PUT on a suit & tie I ran 500K' feet of mixed use commercial OFFICE/retail.
4 the last 25 yrs I have figured stuff out & worked 4 rich PEOPLE who r seekING more money. PROFIT motive has left american & CALIFORNIA is a bunch OF elite egoMANIACS & GOVT employees KILLING the american dream. SO here i sit basically a starving artist a SAG actor who doesn't have the time 2 solict the WORK, I have a wonderful 14 yr old son & his mom is getting free finally of a work related injury fr: 10 yrs. ago. My health is funny I feel great dropped 40 lbs 2 a fighting weight of 220 LBS. got a lump on my neck & taking EA day like my last. LIFE is INTENSE I've never been happier..LIFE is grand. I work GRAPHICS & restaurant MRKT , Paparazzi MAKING everyBODY look GOOD , everyBODY wants their 15 MINUTES per ANDY OF regular PEOPLE, workIN the social MEDIA egomaniacs all , everybody is vain. I push the goggle SEO , I work the angles I'm a mad scientist, early ADOPTER.. hustler, FAST eddie. I'm Sterling Hayden & my last few years have been developing CONTENT & media in support of MRKT, but basically tryING 2 make life better & beautiful in advertising * promotion. BLAH blah , I started LUMAL one month after YAHOO, when yahoo wasn't a big DEAL the whole internet was Y is that ever gonna B important. I was there @ the big BANG, I'm still here. MOVABLE type bought the word of GOD 2 the people. I was paul revere, I was George Washington, I was Gutenberg w/ his printing press . I was the guy who invented the internet. The foot soldier. The worker ANT. It was ME al gore & guys LIKE me. PIONEER is not the retroCTIVE bankers financed GUY I hAve my FOUR domain clusters I feed quite a few MORE , I'm "kirk maillet" "lumal", "church SILVERHAMMER", "moneywellspent" "magAzinISM", "newHOLLYwoodLAND" but MY real nale IS "ryLEES dad" ILUGM, keys 2 the foreest where MY dreams R made. I've scatched my NAME on the cave wall I don't know what ART is BUT I know it when I see IT & i've taken Alot of pictures. I have lived a life I hope IS art. I have tried 2 b NOBLE & beautiful. I have seen the glory of GOD & iAM humbled by it's GRACE. I have been * iAM blessed. TRYing 2b special, hopefully not completely VAIN. SEEN amazing things w/ HIS eyes & yes BLADE runner & great movies r my passion I'm thrilled 2 B a SAG actor & I love making stills & video . I publish stuff digiatlly & yes I was there in the beginning . I setUP ad agencies as disgital. I've worled reality TV projects & low BUDGET movies. I worked 2 get ARNOLD as GOVERNOR. . I'm a fool &i know IT. I have however had a FABULOUS. RIDE. there is PLENTY of PROFF , fraGments 2 SHOW. FOLLOW me admire ME if U will I aim 2 please OR @ least AMUSE..